God has a history of opening and protecting the womb, curing menstrual disorders, and allowing couples to conceive under unlikely conditions. That is why this program focuses on your relationship with God first and foremost, while
also helping you apply the latest evidence in fertility nutrition.
Our reproductive health is very sensitive to changes in diet and lifestyle. This is because God brilliantly wired our bodies to have optimal reproductive functioning only under the best conditions.
Being undernourished, over-nourished, rapidly loosing or gaining weight, eating foods unnatural to your body, having an inconsistent sleep schedule or being chronically stressed, can easily throw off your hormones and effect your reproductive and metabolic health in the process.
In our fertility nutrition program, we will take a deep dive into your diet and lifestyle and implement a custom nutrition and lifestyle strategy to address your concerns. We will also take time to discuss the spiritual aspects of your journey as well. We will monitor clinical indicators and symptoms along the way to ensure we are making changes that best serve your body!
And, if you are trying to conceive, you can include your husband alongside you during this journey, that way we can make sure he is in the best position to support a baby too! Ask us about the "His and Her Nutrition" special during your call!
This program aims to help women rebalance their hormones and improve reproductive/sex related disorders through holistic and evidence-based lifestyle strategies.
After 6 months of ongoing coaching for fertility, your dietiian will discuss a maintenance program depending on the level of care that you need.
During your first visit, we will comprehensively discuss and assess your medical, lifestyle and nutrition related history. This will include analyzing current and prospective barriers to your health journey and strategizing potential changes that will allow you to best adhere to your goals. We will also overview evidence- based nutrition therapy relevant to your medical and personal needs. Last but not least, we will take time to discuss what role your spiritual and mental health is serving on your journey to a healthier lifestyle overall.
You will leave with a nutrition prescription that highlights your personalized nutrition recommendations and a personal blueprint. This “blueprint” will serve as a guide to help you achieve small, actionable steps outside of nutrition that will help you cultivate the environment needed to best focus on your spiritual and physical health overall.